• Phone: 021-99204672 , 021-99204676 , 021-111-777-832

    Email: info@stdc.com.pk


No compensation in Quality and Service

STDC is committed to provide in least cost and top quality service regarding electric transmission planning, infrastructure, siting and deployment. The whole working life cycle of a project in STDC is well executed considering all the constraints like time, budget, location and environment. Excellence in operations, strength in financial domain and skillful employees make STDC one of the best energy transmitter throughout the province of Sindh, Pakistan. Likewise, STDC serves the electricity utility sector of Pakistan after announcing its acquisition of parent company Sindh Energy Holding Company (Pvt.) Ltd. and took an oath to serve the nation with full commitment, dignity, honesty and responsibility. STDC is certified for the Quality Management system form ISO

Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015